It has always been a war between the haves and the have nots. This standoff seems to have always existed;, this taking sides apparently is in the genes of all animals. So we either have to get comfortable with it or we have to give in to ease the pain on the part of the haves. The have nots say that they are already in a lot of pain but they will not give in.
For the last five years we have had a garden in the back yard. The garden contained flowers that bloomed regularly, well, at least when the plants were supplied with enough water. The garden also had lots of good green vegetables too and provided a relief from store bought stuff. In fact it is the first time we have grown carrots successfully. The garden was the result of a lot of work; much more work than it was probably worth, but the achievement of this garden made us stand apart from others in that we had this nice garden produce as a valuable asset. We obviously were the haves.
But, all these years the protesters have come out at night and raised a fuss over the fact that they could not get at these fine flowers and vegetables because of the fence. And, it was always at night too, making me wonder what they had to hide by protesting at night instead of mid day when I could get a good look at them. But no, always at night. Calling 911 did no good as it took too long to explain the problem to the dispatcher and by then all the commotion had ended. Anyway, the action that the emergency people would have taken would have been to send out the guard cat. We all know what that would be, the cat would just stand there and observe all the hooligans and report back that they were just peaceful protesters and meant no harm even though they were attacking the fence.
So, now the garden has ended for the year, the drought and heat have won the upper hand again this year and so we are no longer the haves compared to the have nots.
So the fence has come down that seemed to be irritating the protesters and we have rid ourselves of the flowers and vegetable plants that gave us the brand of being the haves. Now, there is no protesting, but something else has come up. With the loss of the garden, we now give free food to the protesters and they show up right on schedule for their free food, but you know what we see? Now the protestors fight among themselves for who gets the biggest share of the free food. The line between the haves and the have nots has shifted internally to the original have nots and the original haves are enjoying the show.
Deer may not be any different than us.
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