This year, without any doubt we constructed the best garden ever at this location. It came about because we built raised beds for the vegetables and we were diligent at keeping the weeds under control.
We planted tomatoes, 3 varieties, three kinds of squash, cilantro, parsley, turnips and beans. They all got off to a good start.
And then the deer found how to get into the garden. No we were not so naïve to think that this nice new garden would not need protection from the deer, so we had built a six foot high fence all around, except the part accessible from the breezeway.
We went through about ten iterations of building a more secure fence, each time finding that the deer (we think just one) located another way to get in, either by jumping or crawling through some small hole.
The last move on our part was to extend the fence to 8 feet high. This was determined to be needed because one night I spotted the deer in the garden, opened the door to scare the crap out of it and it took off to the east and disappeared over the seven foot high fence.
Since we now have the garden surrounded by a 8 foot fence, we see no more deer. But by now, there is very little left of the garden because the deer ate all the blossoms.
So who won? Like the miscreants in the Legislature said, we to the deer said "wait till this fall".
We planted tomatoes, 3 varieties, three kinds of squash, cilantro, parsley, turnips and beans. They all got off to a good start.
And then the deer found how to get into the garden. No we were not so naïve to think that this nice new garden would not need protection from the deer, so we had built a six foot high fence all around, except the part accessible from the breezeway.
We went through about ten iterations of building a more secure fence, each time finding that the deer (we think just one) located another way to get in, either by jumping or crawling through some small hole.
The last move on our part was to extend the fence to 8 feet high. This was determined to be needed because one night I spotted the deer in the garden, opened the door to scare the crap out of it and it took off to the east and disappeared over the seven foot high fence.
Since we now have the garden surrounded by a 8 foot fence, we see no more deer. But by now, there is very little left of the garden because the deer ate all the blossoms.
So who won? Like the miscreants in the Legislature said, we to the deer said "wait till this fall".
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