No matter who you talk to regarding school discipline, if they happen to be over, say, the age of 70, they tell the same story. That story is this: When they were disciplined at school, went home and told your parents that you were disciplined at school, and sure enough, you were disciplined again for the event at school---almost no matter what the event happened to be. Parents did not even ask for details, it was bam! and you were out.
Today, in contrast, when a child goes home to report that they were disciplined at school, the parents first step is to call the teacher and usually blame the teacher for disciplining their child, again, almost with no investigation into the details.
Why is this---why has this shift occurred so completely from teacher support to teacher blame?
The answer may be simple.
It may all relate to the concept of loss of control sensed by the parent. People, when they sense a loss of control, whether consciously or unconsciously, develop reactions. These reactions show up as the classic fear, flight, or fight. In the case of discipline, the reaction would be fight if the parent has sensed a loss of control of the development of the child.
Thus the whole problem is one of the parent having sensed that they have lost control of their child's development to the big, faceless school system.
Another problem uncovered.
Today, in contrast, when a child goes home to report that they were disciplined at school, the parents first step is to call the teacher and usually blame the teacher for disciplining their child, again, almost with no investigation into the details.
Why is this---why has this shift occurred so completely from teacher support to teacher blame?
The answer may be simple.
It may all relate to the concept of loss of control sensed by the parent. People, when they sense a loss of control, whether consciously or unconsciously, develop reactions. These reactions show up as the classic fear, flight, or fight. In the case of discipline, the reaction would be fight if the parent has sensed a loss of control of the development of the child.
Thus the whole problem is one of the parent having sensed that they have lost control of their child's development to the big, faceless school system.
Another problem uncovered.
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