The bull is missing and none of us know where he has gone. The bull just turned up missing one day and left no forwarding address. We live in a community covering 2000 acres, around which is a perimeter fence. The purpose of the perimeter fence is to keep the cattle inside our individual properties. The cattle herd consists of about 100 head and are the property of two of the residents. There are only a few fences inside the community, so for the most part, the cattle can roam all the parcels of land freely. Its rather wild country, consisting of open grasslands and patches of very dense brush. The herd usually has just one bull, sometimes two, but two bulls in small herd usually get to fighting with each other so one is better. Now, the missing bull could have excaped, died naturally, been shot by a hunter, or rustled. Cattle rustling has not gone away and still is a serious crime. But to steal this big bull by getting him into a trailer would not ...