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Showing posts from June, 2016

Harvesting Time Begins

Its now mid June, and some of the crops (generous term) are starting to come in.  Picked a bunch of tomatoes today, maybe 10 pounds.  Several varieties, but the Tycoon tomatoes are a bit of a disappointment.  They seem to sunburn much more easily that any of the others.  This new variety supposedly sets the blossom better in hot weather, but the grower did not say anything about sunburning.  Early Girl was truly the first to produce fruit, having had the first tomato now for at least 3 weeks. Onions planted for bulb onions are getting eaten so fast as green onions, there wont be any to mature into bulb onions. Only planted three hills of potatoes (rather than throw away bought potatoes that were too far gone to eat).  These three hills produced nicely.  Got nearly 15 spuds back from three seeds.  In my younger days, we were always thrilled to get production that returned at least one potatoe more than the seed spent.  (Our soil then was po...

The Book

The book we are writing, The History of Carl School is nearly finished.  Its a compilation of historical information on Carl School, a one-room school we both attended during elementary grades.  It has 260 pages, and nearly 31000 words.  It might even get published one of these days.