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Showing posts from December, 2014

Christmas Party at the Farm

Today was an interesting day.  At the invitation of some friends, we joined them at their farm for a bit of Christmas good time.  There were about 30 people at this party---maybe get-together would be a bit more descriptive---and we knew only 3 or 4 of the total.  We got to talk to a number of interesting people, young and old, not sure of rich and poor. The family that invited us have doing this get-together for many many years--like 40 or so; and it is one of those deals that seems to be handed down from generation to generation.  The second generation was in charge, but the third generation was certainly in attendance and acting all the part of apprentices.  So, you can see where it is going. There was the host and hostess who own the Farm, there were their children and their friends.  There were friends who run other businesses in the area, and on and on.  No one was dull and lacking an opinion on local politics and the direction things are heade...

The Fat Lady Has Sung

No more mice in the attic for the last month. What did it?  Many steps taken, but the one that may have done it was to block all the weep holes in the stonework of the outside walls.  The next best step was to block all the access to the attic of the garage, because once in the garage attic it was anyones guess as to the route through the breezeway attic and into the house. Plus, we probably ended entry and then had to trap about three mice that had taken up permanent residence in the attic, getting their food from the stored stuff they brought in, plus the water from the air conditioning traps that are open and hold water.