You know the old saying about the signal for the end of the opera. It's when the fat lady comes onstage to sing. You can bet then that it is the end of the opera. Well, regarding mus musculus, maybe the fat lady (lady mouse that is) has sung. Every possible hole into the attic is now closed, and glue traps placed at strategic locations to prevent mice from even getting into the garage, where they might know of a hole into the attic of the garage. Thats critical, because once the mice get into the garage attic, there is some uncertainty about access through the breezeway attic into the house attic-----since all those possible routes are difficult to find and close off. To guard against the possibility of a colony living in the attic, their only possible water supply---the drain traps on the air conditioning equipment has been surrounded by glue traps. Impractical to keep their food away from them as I am sure they have it stored in various places in the attic....