This site is just for the benefit of those invited to read it. It may prove to be a good way to let others know whats going on at NQ99HQ. And, it may not, but since it is free, no harm in trying. Beautiful day here today in central Texas, and full of work to clean all the furniture that has been stored in the dusty garage at 1050, then move it into the house. Moving furniture sounds like a lot of work, and it is, but actually the cleaning job is the bigger of the two. We have to make sure that all the spider nests we brought over from the gulf coast don't make it into the new house. The 22000 gallon water tank is now full. Collecting your own water makes this common commodity a whole lot more valuable, so it seems. When the tank finally filled and all the subsequent rain flowed through the water tank and out the overflow, it seemed like it was too valuable to just "throw away", but that's what happens when the tank is full. Maybe we need a second tank, a...